Saturday, November 26, 2011

Home Made Bunny Toy

Bunnies love to play, and if you can keep them occupied with some great toys they really love it.  One great idea is to recycle what you already have, and I discovered that my bunnies love to play with a salt box.  Here's what I did.

I took a salt box like this and removed the metal spout carefully.  You don't want to leave this on; bunnies could get hurt.  Then, I made sure that every grain of remaining salt was poured out.  Salt is not good for bunnies.

Then I stuffed a few of myt rabbits' favorite treats inside.  A friend bought me these and they love them.  They only get them once in a while.

I placed the salt box toy inside of the box where the bunnies like to hang out during the day.  Almost immediately my Rosalie pushed it out with her nose and started rolling it around to try to get the treats out.  It was fun watching her!  Humphrey wanted no parts of it yet.

Here is a picture of Rosalie while she's shedding.  She won't let me brush her while she's trying to explore and do bunny things.  She makes me wait until she is tired.  When she looks like this I call her "Rosie Rufflebutt."

Rest In Peace Elena

I had to say goodbye to my Elena on Thansgiving.  It's so hard when they have to leave us.  I hope that we gave her a good life.  She was my little acrobat, wheel racer, smartypants, lover of tangerines. 

She will be missed so much.  We really loved her, as we do all of our pets.  This is the hard part of loving our pet family.  It's so sad when we have to say goodbye.  I know that I have to get used to this if I am going to rescue the sick, elderly, and unadoptables, though.  The way my heart is I know I never will get used to the goodbyes.  I really want to help these animals, however.  They need us, and I look forward to caring for them and loving them through their last days.  Soon the house renovations will be complete and I can help out even more.